Can a Person Living in the Same House be on CDPAP?

CDPAP empowers consumers to hire their own caregivers and direct their own care. Technology improves communication, streamlines processes, and ensures efficient care.

Caring for a loved one can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to finding the right care option. Fortunately, New York offers a variety of in-home care options, including the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP).

However, many people wonder if a person living in the same house can be on CDPAP. In this article, we will explore the answer to this question and provide valuable information about CDPAP.

Can a Person Living in the Same House be on CDPAP?

Yes, a person living in the same house can be on CDPAP. However, there are a few factors to consider, such as:

  • The caregiver cannot be the consumer's spouse, legal guardian, or designated representative.
  • The caregiver must meet the eligibility requirements for CDPAP, which includes passing a background check and completing training.

Having a family member or friend as a caregiver can have its challenges. It can be difficult to maintain boundaries and separate the caregiver role from the personal relationship. It's essential to have open communication and set clear expectations to ensure a successful caregiving experience.

Understanding CDPAP: A Medicaid Program in New York

CDPAP, or the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, is a Medicaid program in New York that empowers individuals in need of home care services to hire and manage their own caregivers.

This way, the person receiving care can have control over who provides care, how care is provided, and when care is provided. CDPAP is an excellent option for those who wish to remain in their own homes and maintain their independence.

Benefits of CDPAP

CDPAP offers several benefits, including:

  • Consumer control over who provides care
  • Flexibility in scheduling care
  • Opportunity for family and friends to provide care and get paid for their services
  • Increased independence and ability to remain in one's own home
  • Personalized care that meets the individual's unique needs

Eligibility Requirements for Consumers Participating in CDPAP

To participate in CDPAP, consumers must meet certain eligibility requirements. These include:

  • Being eligible for Medicaid
  • Having a stable medical condition that requires home care services
  • Being capable of self-directing their own care or having a designated representative who can assist with directing care
  • Completing an assessment to determine the need for CDPAP services
  • Providing proof of identity and citizenship status

It's important to note that while having a designated representative is allowed, the consumer cannot live with their designated representative if they wish to receive CDPAP services. Additionally, consumers cannot hire immediate family members as their caregivers unless they are legally authorized to work in the United States and meet all other eligibility requirements.

By meeting these eligibility requirements, consumers can have greater control over their home care services and maintain their independence while receiving the care they need.

Read more: CDPAP Caregiver Requirements

What types of services are covered by CDPAP?

CDPAP covers a wide range of home care services, including but not limited to:

  • Assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, and grooming
  • Help with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), such as grocery shopping, meal preparation, and light housekeeping
  • Skilled nursing tasks, such as wound care or medication management
  • Therapy services, such as physical therapy or speech therapy
  • Transportation to medical appointments

It's important to note that the services provided through CDPAP must be medically necessary and prescribed by a healthcare professional. Additionally, the consumer must direct and supervise their caregiver in providing these services.

By covering a variety of home care services, CDPAP can provide consumers with the support they need to maintain their independence and live safely in their own homes.

Hiring a Family Member as a CDPAP Caregiver: Things to Consider

If you're considering hiring a family member as the caregiver through CDPAP, there are some important things to keep in mind.

According to the New York State Department of Health, immediate family members can be hired as caregivers but only if they meet all eligibility requirements and are legally authorized to work in the United States.

Challenges of hiring a family member as a caregiver

It's important to understand that hiring a family member as a caregiver can have its challenges.

  • It may be difficult to maintain boundaries between the caregiver role and the personal relationship.
  • It's essential to have open communication and set clear expectations to ensure a successful caregiving experience.

Consider hiring more than one caregiver

CDPAP allows for consumers to hire more than one caregiver, which may help alleviate some of the challenges associated with relying solely on one family member for care.

Benefits of hiring a family member as a caregiver

While hiring a family member as a caregiver through CDPAP may offer benefits such as personalized care from someone who knows the consumer well, it's important to carefully consider all options before making a decision.

How to Find a Caregiver through CDPAP

Finding a caregiver through CDPAP can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. Determine your eligibility: Before you start looking for a caregiver, make sure you are eligible for CDPAP by meeting the eligibility requirements mentioned earlier in this article.
  2. Choose a fiscal intermediary (FI): An FI is an agency that helps consumers manage their CDPAP services, including finding and hiring caregivers. You can choose from several FIs that are approved by Medicaid in New York.
  3. Create a job description: Think about the type of care you need and create a job description that outlines your expectations for the caregiver's role.
  4. Recruit potential caregivers: Once you have created your job description, reach out to people you know who may be interested in becoming your caregiver. You can also post your job description on job boards or social media platforms to find potential candidates.
  5. Conduct interviews: Interview potential caregivers to get to know them better and determine if they are the right fit for your needs.
  6. Hire a caregiver: Once you have found the right candidate, hire them as your caregiver through your chosen FI.

By following these steps, you can find a qualified caregiver who meets your unique needs and provides personalized care that allows you to maintain your independence at home with peace of mind.

How to Change Caregivers in CDPAP?

Sometimes, a consumer participating in CDPAP may need to change their caregiver due to scheduling conflicts or personal issues. If that's the case, don't worry, it's easy to do.

To change caregivers, simply inform your fiscal intermediary (FI), and they will provide you with the necessary forms and instructions. Once you complete the form, submit it to your FI for processing.

It's important to note that you cannot hire someone who is not already approved by your FI as a caregiver. Once your FI receives the form, they will begin the process of identifying a new caregiver for you.

Keep in mind that the process of changing caregivers can take some time. Therefore, it's best to plan ahead and communicate any changes with your current caregiver and FI. By doing so, you can ensure a smooth transition and continue receiving quality care under CDPAP.

How to Terminate a CDPAP Caregiver's Employment

While CDPAP allows consumers to have greater control over their home care services, there may come a time when they need to terminate their caregiver's employment. This could be due to various reasons, such as the caregiver not meeting expectations or scheduling conflicts.

To terminate a CDPAP caregiver's employment, consumers must follow specific steps outlined by their fiscal intermediary (FI). Here are some general steps that consumers can expect:

  1. Contact your FI: Consumers must inform their FI of their intention to terminate the caregiver's employment. The FI will provide them with the necessary forms and instructions.
  2. Complete the forms: Consumers must complete the required forms and submit them to their FI for processing.
  3. Notify the caregiver: Once the forms have been submitted and processed, consumers must notify the caregiver of their termination date.
  4. Return equipment: If any equipment was provided by Medicaid for use during home care services, it must be returned to Medicaid.

It's important for consumers to communicate clearly with their caregiver and FI throughout this process to ensure a smooth transition. By following these steps, consumers can terminate a CDPAP caregiver's employment while still receiving quality care from another provider.

Legal Rights of Consumers and Caregivers under CDPAP

As a Medicaid program, CDPAP has certain legal rights that protect both the consumer and the caregiver. These rights include:

The Right to Privacy

Both the consumer and caregiver have the right to privacy in regards to personal information.

The Right to Freedom from Discrimination

Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against individuals based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or disability. This extends to both consumers and caregivers in CDPAP.

The Right to Fair Compensation

Caregivers must be paid at least minimum wage for their services under CDPAP. They are also entitled to overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours per week.

The Right to Training

Caregivers must complete training before providing services under CDPAP. This ensures that they are knowledgeable about the care they are providing and can provide quality care.

The Right to File Grievances

If either the consumer or caregiver feels that their rights have been violated, they have the right to file a grievance with their fiscal intermediary (FI) or with Medicaid directly.

By understanding these legal rights, consumers and caregivers can ensure that they receive fair treatment under CDPAP. It's important for all parties involved in CDPAP services to be aware of these rights and advocate for them when necessary.

The Role of Technology in Improving CDPAP Services

Technology has played a significant role in enhancing the quality of home care services, including those provided through CDPAP. With the use of technology, caregivers and consumers can improve communication, streamline processes, and ensure that care is provided efficiently.


One example of technology being used to improve CDPAP services is telehealth. Telehealth allows healthcare professionals to connect with patients remotely and provide medical care without requiring an in-person visit. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have difficulty traveling or who live in remote areas.

Through telehealth, caregivers and consumers can also communicate with healthcare professionals about their care plan, receive medication reminders, and track their progress towards meeting health goals.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications are another way that technology is improving CDPAP services. There are several mobile applications available that can help caregivers manage their daily tasks and ensure that they are providing quality care.

For example, some mobile applications allow caregivers to track medication schedules, monitor vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate, and log daily activities such as meals or exercise routines. These applications can help ensure that the consumer is receiving the appropriate level of care while also allowing caregivers to stay organized and efficient.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Electronic health records (EHRs) are another technological advancement that has improved the quality of home care services. EHRs allow healthcare professionals to access a patient's medical history, medication list, allergies, and other important information quickly and easily.

This information can help inform a patient's care plan and ensure that they receive tailored treatment based on their unique needs. Additionally, EHRs can help reduce errors due to miscommunication or incomplete information by providing a comprehensive record of a patient's medical history.

By utilizing these technological advancements in home care services like CDPAP, we can continue to improve the quality of care provided and ensure that consumers receive the support they need to live safely and independently at home.


In conclusion, the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) offers a unique and empowering approach to home care services. By allowing consumers to hire their own caregivers and direct their own care, CDPAP provides personalized care that meets individual needs and promotes independence.

While there are eligibility requirements and some challenges associated with hiring a family member as a caregiver, the benefits of CDPAP make it an attractive option for those who wish to remain in their own homes while receiving quality care.


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